WANG Hong-miao: Senior Fellow at Institute of Economics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences(IE-CASS); And Professor of Graduate School (GS-CASS). He is also the Deputy Director of “CASS Research Center for Listed Companies”.
PhD in Economics(RUC,2005), Postdoctor(IE-CASS,2007),and Visiting Scholar of Fairbank Center(Harvard,2012-2013),whose research interesting mainly focuses on International Macroeconomics and Finance, Economic Growth and Nations Development, etc. These years, Professor WANG has completed several State Social Sciences Funded Theory Research Projects, and Policy Research Projects assigned by central government and local governments. His works include “China's BOP Dual-Surplus and Loop under the Global Imbalance” (China Social Sciences Press (CSSP), 2012), “Theory Frontier of Chinese Economic Growth (II)” (CSSP, 2011), “Policy Study and Evaluation on The Xiamen’s Costs Cutting” (Social Science Academic Press (SSAP), 2017), and series of papers.
Email: whmbj@163.com; wanghm@cass.org.cn.